How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (2025)

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If you're having trouble locating your Kwikset lock manual, which includes master codes and guidelines for establishing user access, there's no need to worry at all! You can be at ease.

In this article, I walk through programming, changing, and resetting the codes for various Kwikset smart locks, including Obsidian, Premis, Powerbolt 2, Kevo, SmartCode 914, 275 Touchscreen Electronic Deadbolt, SmartCode 888, and SmartCode 910.

If all else fails when you try to change your smart locks codes, you can always carry out a factory reset. Check out my guide to that here.

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Powerbolt 2


How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (1)

To add new user codes to your Powerbolt 2, ensure the lock is unlocked and the door is open.

  1. Enter your master code (default is 0-0-0-0 for new installations), then press the lock button to hear a single beep.
  2. Press 1, then the lock button again, followed by entering a new 4-10 digit user code.
  3. Lastly, press the lock button once more.
  4. Two beeps signal success, while three beeps indicate failure, necessitating repetition of the process.
  5. Test the newly added user code by locking the door with it open, entering the code, and pressing lock to see if the door unlocks.
How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (2)

To delete all user codes from your Powerbolt 2 smart lock, first, ensure the lock is unlocked and the door is open.

  1. Enter your existing master code (default is 0-0-0-0 for new installations), then press the lock button to hear a single beep.
  2. Next, press 5 and then the lock button once more.
  3. If successful, you'll hear two beeps (three beeps indicate failure and require repeating these steps).
  4. This will delete all user codes, and your lock will need a new user code before it can be operated without a key.



How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (3)

To get started with Kevo, download the Kevo app at or scan the QR code provided. After installing the app, follow the step-by-step instructions to create an account, enroll your first smartphone, and send eKeys to your family and friends.

Understanding the difference between an Admin user and other users in the system is important when sending eKeys with Kevo. An Admin user has the authority to send, disable, and delete eKeys, providing more control over access.

How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (4)

Kevo Plus offers an upgraded experience, allowing you to lock and unlock your home remotely and check the status of your door. To use Kevo from your phone, ensure that it is turned on, Bluetooth is enabled, and the Kevo app is running in the background.

Keep in mind that a clear line of sight between the lock and the phone is necessary for proper functionality. To lock and unlock the door, simply press the deadbolt rose.

For added security, Kevo also offers an optional passcode feature within the app that requires a 4-digit PIN whenever accessing the app, safeguarding your Kevo account against unauthorized changes when your phone is unlocked.

SmartCode 914


How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (5)

The Kwikset SmartCode 914 lock allows you to add and delete user codes through your smart home control system, making it convenient to manage access to your home.

However, if your system doesn't support this functionality, you can still add codes directly to the lock. Keep in mind that during the programming process, if you don't press any buttons for five seconds, the system will time out, and you'll have to start over.

For better security, consider using a mastercode when adding or deleting user codes.

To program a user code …

  1. Ensure the door is open, and then press the Program button once.
  2. Enter the desired user code, which should be a unique code consisting of 4-8 digits depending on your smart home system.
  3. Up to 30 user codes can be programmed in total.
  4. After entering the user code, press the Lock button once.
  5. If programming was successful, the lock will produce one green flash followed by one beep. If unsuccessful, the lock will emit three red flashes and three beeps. In this case, ensure you don't pause for more than five seconds during programming, the user code isn't a duplicate, and it's between 4-8 digits. Additionally, verify that the lock has storage for an extra code; if not, remove an existing code to make space for the new one.
  6. Note that the beeping sound will only be audible if switch #3 on the lock's interior is in the on position.

275 Touchscreen Electronic Deadbolt


How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (6)

Adding user codes is a straightforward process.

  1. With the lock unlocked and door open, input your programming code and press the lock button to hear one beep.
  2. Press 1 and then the lock button again to hear another beep.
  3. Enter a new user code between 4 and 10 digits long and press the lock button once more. Two beeps indicate a successful entry.
  4. Test the new code by locking the door while it's open, entering the new user code, and pressing the lock symbol – the door should unlock.

To delete all user codes on a Kwikset 275 Touchscreen Electronic Deadbolt, first, ensure the lock is unlocked and the door is open.

  1. Input your programming code (the default for a new installation is 0-0-0-0) and press the lock button.
  2. After hearing one beep, press 3, then the lock button again. You should hear two beeps, indicating success.
  3. For a new installation, this deletes the default user code (1-2-3-4), and for subsequent instances, it removes all user codes.
  4. Until new user codes are added, the lock can only be operated using the key and turn piece.

SmartCode 888


How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (7)

The SmartCode 888 allows you to add up to 30 unique user codes, which provide keyless access to your home. Although it is recommended to manage these codes through your smart home system, they can also be programmed directly on the lock itself.

To do this, ensure the door is open, press the Program button once, then enter a unique user code between 4 and 8 digits, depending on your smart home system. Press the Lock button once to complete the process.

If successful, the lock will beep once and the Lock button will flash green. If unsuccessful, the Lock button will flash red three times with three beeps, indicating you need to try again without pausing for more than 5 seconds and ensuring the code is not a duplicate.

Delete User

To delete a single user code from the SmartCode 888, you can follow these steps. First, press the Program button once, then press the Lock button once. Next, enter the user code you wish to delete, press the Lock button, and then re-enter the same user code.

Press the Lock button one final time to complete the process. If you've done this correctly, the code should be deleted. To confirm the deletion, test the user code while the door is open to ensure it no longer unlocks the door.

If it continues to unlock the door, make sure to enter the same valid code in both steps 3 and 5, then try again.

SmartCode 910


How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (8)

The SmartCode 910 is designed to work seamlessly with your smart home control system, making it easy to add and delete user codes as needed.

If your smart home system doesn't provide this functionality, you can still manage user codes directly on the lock. Begin with the door open and press the Program button according to the position of the user code you wish to program.

Then, enter the desired user code, which must be unique and 4 to 8 digits long.

Finally, press the Lock button once. A successful programming will be indicated by a single green flash and beep, whereas three red flashes and beeps signal an unsuccessful attempt due to the code being a duplicate or incorrect digit length.

In case the programming times out after five seconds with two beeps, simply restart the process without pausing for too long between steps.

Enhance your lock's security by using a master code to manage user codes. To delete a user code, just replace it with a new code in the same position. For instance, if you want to remove the third code, add a different code in the third position.

Test the original user code to ensure the lock no longer recognizes it. If you're not sure of a user code's position and wish to delete all lock-associated codes, perform a factory reset.

This way, you can regain full control of your Kwikset Smart Lock and enjoy secure, streamlined access management.



How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (9)

Obsidian Kwikset smart locks are designed for ease of use and enhanced security. While it is highly recommended that you add and delete user codes through your smart home control system, these actions can also be performed directly on the lock.

With the ability to store up to 30 unique user codes, you can easily grant access to family members and trusted guests.

When programming your Kwikset Obsidian smart lock, it's important to be aware of the programming timeout feature.

If the screen is not touched for 20 seconds during the process, the system will automatically time out, as indicated by three beeps and the “X” pattern flashing three times.

In such a scenario, you'll need to restart the procedure.

To ensure optimal security, a mastercode can be utilized when adding and deleting user codes.

Remember to keep the door open during programming, and make sure that the user code being added is unique and falls within the 4-8 digit guidelines established by your smart home system.



How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (10)

The Premis app serves as a convenient way to manage and control your Kwikset Smart Lock.

To begin using it, download the app from the App Store and install it on your smartphone. With this app, you'll have access to various features that enhance your lock's functionality and offer you the ability to manage its settings accordingly.

Once the Premis app is installed, follow the in-app instructions to easily pair your smartphone with the lock.

This setup process is user-friendly and will quickly enable you to control your lock through your phone.

After successfully pairing, you can start utilizing the app to manage settings, such as creating and sharing user codes with family and friends.

This feature allows you to give others access to your home while maintaining the security a Kwikset Smart Lock provides.


This comprehensive guide has walked you through the steps to program, change, and reset codes on various Kwikset models, including Obsidian, Premis, Powerbolt 2, Kevo, SmartCode 914, 275 Touchscreen Electronic Deadbolt, SmartCode 888, and SmartCode 910.

By following these straightforward instructions, you can set up and manage who gets access to your home and maintain control over your security.

Remember to keep your door open during programming and use unique user codes to ensure optimal security. Embrace the convenience of Kwikset smart locks and upgrade your home security today.


How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock (2025)


How to Program, Change & Reset the Code of a Kwikset Smart Lock? ›

If you do not have the master or user code you may do a factory reset on the unit to program a new master code into the lock.

How do I program a new Kwikset Smart Lock code? ›

How to add a user code on my Smartcode touchscreen?
  1. Keep door open. Press the Program button once. ...
  2. Press Checkmark symbol once.
  3. Enter Mastercode.
  4. Press Lock symbol once.
  5. Enter new user code.
  6. Press Lock symbol once. ...
  7. While the door is open and locked, test the user code to make sure it unlocks the door.

How do I change my Kwikset code without master code? ›

If you do not have the master or user code you may do a factory reset on the unit to program a new master code into the lock.

How do I reset a door lock code? ›

Prepping to Reset a Digital Door Lock
  1. Unlock and Open the Door. ...
  2. Remove the Battery Pack. ...
  3. Hold Down on the Reset Button and Reattach Battery Pack. ...
  4. Enter Programming Code. ...
  5. Press and Hold Down on the Program or Lock Button. ...
  6. Resetting the Code on Electric Models. ...
  7. Resetting the Code on Manual Models. ...
  8. Reattach and Test New Code.
Oct 23, 2023

How to change Kwikset 264 lock code? ›

How do I add/delete a user code on my 264 Deadbolt?
  1. Enter your Programming Code.
  2. Press ""Kwikset"" then ""1"" then ""Kwikset""
  3. Enter a new User Code. It must be between 4 and 10 digits.
  4. Press ""Kwikset""
  5. Test the code: While your door is open, lock it and enter your new User Code to make sure it unlocks the door.

How to reset smart lock password? ›

  1. Find the reset key in the back of the smart lock. Open your door with the fingerprint or your key, and slide up the cover to open the back of your lock, exposing the buttons beneath. ...
  2. Reset the password to the factory defaults. ...
  3. Set the new password for your smart lock.
Jun 7, 2023

How do I reset my Kwikset app password? ›

Go to “Forgot Password” – On the login screen, press the “Forgot Password” button and follow the instructions.

How do you change the 4 digit code on a keypad lock? ›

How to Change the Entry Code: Keypad Method 1
  1. Step 2: Engage the Lock. Make sure you've unlocked the door and it's open. ...
  2. Step 3: Prime the Lock for the New Code. Press the number 1 button. ...
  3. Step 4: Enter a New User Code. Enter a new user code that's between four and 10 digits long. ...
  4. Step 5: Test the New Code.
Oct 20, 2022

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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